Immerse yourself in an authentic, active holiday with walks along golden beaches and journeys to discover quaint local villages, where you can feel part of the local community. Offering authentic and active holidays, La Fiermontina Ocean is the perfect place for romantics, nature lovers and lone travellers.
Write to usA sunset picnic will allow you to enjoy delicious cuisine under huge, century-old mulberry trees.
Follow a hillside path from La Fiermontina Ocean to the village of Mezgalef with the help of Imad, our trekking guide, who is native to this region.
Enjoy a horseback ride along the beach to experience an incredible sense of freedom.
Immerse yourself in the culture and traditions of the inhabitants of Dchier ou Mezgalef with a meal in the home of Farida, Ikram and Fatna.
Dive into the world of water activities at La Fiermontina Ocean, where adventure meets the waves.
Find your inner foodie with our delicious food and wine experiences. Learn how to make tradional pasta fresca during a cooking class.
Immerse yourself in the rich culture and timeless traditions of Morocco. Experience the captivating Ritual of Wealth.
Focus on your well-being in the village’s Hammam with tailor-made treatments and magical rituals that harness local expertise and ingredients.